Meta - Info about this blog: January 2006 Archives

I'm selling my 1993 Honda Civic CX Hatchback for $1600 and my 1987 Mitsubishi Mightymax Pickup for $500 (new price!), as well as some miscellaneous camera equipment. More info after the jump. These cars are both in New Haven, CT.

Meta: Back in New Haven

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I'm back from my three week fieldtrip to Japan. My research went well, and I visited and filmed the three fieldsites that I had planned to. Now of course is the problem of processing all of the tapes, fieldnotes, and books that I brought back.

Classes start on Monday...

Meta - Info about this blog: May 2013: Monthly Archives

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This page is a archive of entries in the Meta - Info about this blog category from January 2006.

Meta - Info about this blog: December 2005 is the previous archive.

Meta - Info about this blog: April 2006 is the next archive.

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