Digital audio recorders for interviews

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One of my coworkers wanted a simple audio data recorder to do some interviews. Here was my response to her:

Sorry to take a few days to get back to you on the audio recorders. I think you said you wanted a digital audio recorder that you could use to transfer files back to your computer, that eliminates several of the sub-$50 models and so the cheapest ones are all in the $50-100 range and above.

There are a couple of Sony models in this price range, but I find that Sony usually has complicated user interfaces and really bad software, so unless you're a huge Sony fan, I'd generally avoid:

Sony ICD-PX312 $52

I'd instead recommend Olympus. They tend to have simpler interfaces that are easier to use and harder to mess up:

Olympus VN-8100PC $65

There are models that go on up from there, but unless you want to record live audio (concert performances, etc.) then they are overkill.



If you have a bit more money to spend, I highly recommend the Sony ICD-SX700D Digital Voice Recorder. I've used this model for the past 3 or 4 years and it's always come through for me. It's also small, lightweight, and has great sound quality. You can also easily transfer the files to your computer as mp3s.

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This page contains a single entry by Karen Nakamura published on April 9, 2012 9:45 AM.

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