Doctoral program in disability studies at UIC (and minor at UCLA)

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UIC's program in disability studies is excellent (and there's a new minor at UCLA after the jump):


The Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program in Disability Studies at the University
of Illinois at Chicago is accepting applications from prospective students
for Fall 2008. The deadline for receipt of full applications is January 1,
2008. UIC's Disability Studies Ph.D. program promotes the development of
new scholarly models for understanding disability. Part of this
intellectual approach involves the education of disabled and non-disabled
academicians, researchers, policy experts, and clinicians who will join
with disabled people in the community as active challengers of oppressive
institutions and environments. The program examines how addressing
disability in its full complexity can promote the full participation, self-
determination, and equal citizenship of people with disabilities in society.

UIC's Disability Studies program recognizes disability as a complex
phenomenon existing at the intersection of human differences and social
values. The program is open to scholars committed to studying how
disability "works." This includes the study of what disability reveals
about society and humanity as well as how it affects people who fall both
within and outside of the category. Scholars from any discipline can engage
in disability studies. A particular strength of the UIC Disability Studies
program is access to diverse faculty mentors and resources in the social
sciences, the humanities, and the health fields. Students in the program
conduct research across social, clinical, cultural, ethical, and policy

For more information or to arrange a telephone or in-person meeting with
Carol J. Gill, Ph.D., Director of Graduate Studies, please contact:

Sarah Rothberger, MFA
Disability Studies Program Acedemic Coordinator
Dept. of Disability & Human Development (MC 626)
1640 West Roosevelt Road, Room 215
Chicago, IL 60608-6904
(312) 996-1508 (voice)
Fax (312) 996-0885
TTY (312) 996-1233
E-mail: sr22 @

Carol J. Gill, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Disability & Human Development
Director of Graduate Studies, Ph.D. Program in Disability Studies
University of Illinois at Chicago (MC 626)
1640 West Roosevelt Road - Room 236
Chicago, IL 60608 U.S.A.
(312) 355-0550 V
(312) 996-1233 TTY
(312) 996-0885 Fax
cg16 @


And here's the press release from UCLA
We are happy to announce the institution of a minor in disability studies at UCLA. Viewing the historically and culturally variable phenomenon of disability as a lens for thinking about the body, society and culture, the UCLA faculty affiliated with the program in disability studies come from twenty departments or interdepartmental programs across the College of Letters and Science and the professional schools, and they will be joined by others. The current departments involved in the field include Asian American studies, anthropology, applied linguistics and TESL, community health sciences, education, English, health services, history, law, linguistics, neurology, pediatrics, psychiatry and bio-behavioral sciences, psychology, social welfare, sociology, Spanish and Portuguese, world arts and cultures, urban planning, and women's studies.

Disability studies has a long history at UCLA. For over two decades, administrators and faculty on the Chancellor's Advisory Committee on Disability (CACD), now called the University Committee on Disability, have advocated the inclusion of disabilities-related topics as part of UCLA's core academic mission, and urged UCLA to take a leading role in the development of scholarship on disability studies. Under the leadership of the late Jayne Spencer, who served as chair of the CACD for many years, the committee developed a proposal documenting the need for such curricula and calling for the establishment of a committee on disability studies at UCLA. Led by Helen Deutsch, Professor of English and Chair of the Faculty Advisory Committee on Disability, and Assistant Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, Lucy Blackmar, that vision has come to fruition.

The disability studies minor will be of interest to students from many different academic areas. Those interested in professions in teaching, social work, public health, nursing, medicine, architecture, and law may have a special interest in the applying their study to focusing on the needs of disabled populations. Students interested in interdisciplinary academic work will find rich avenues of new scholarship in fields throughout the arts, humanities, social sciences, and sciences. The breadth of participation by UCLA faculty demonstrates the richness of intellectual engagement possible for a student in the minor. Through a core course, carefully selected electives, a required two-quarter internship or research apprenticeship, and a senior capstone project, students in the minor obtain both breadth and depth in their understanding of the conceptual and practical implications of disability. For more information, go to

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