Apple: Mac OS X 10.4.11 -- adds support for Microsoft Presenter Mouse 8000

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Hot off the press, Apple just released Mac OS X 10.4.11, otherwise a minor update to the last OS release. I haven't upgraded to PantherCheetahLionLeopard yet (since Yale has a site license and I have to wait until I'm back in the USA) -- but the big thing about 10.4.11 is that it supports the Microsoft Presenter Mouse 8000 -- which I've blogged about before.

Yippee! Keynote here I come!

For more:


Note that you should install the latest Microsoft Intellipoint drivers. They have support for the MPM 8000 including the presenter buttons.

I had an older version installed and couldn't get the presenter buttons to work -- but now everything is just peachy in 10.4.11.

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